Bible Songs
Verses & Stories

Bible songs here at "Sing the Bible Story" are both verses from scripture itself, and also accounts or stories from the Bible - all set to music!

ABC Song Lyrics & Music for piano

ABC Song Lyrics & Music

The steps of conversion, or the way of salvation - recognize you are a sinner; believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; call on Him to save you.

From Isaiah 53, a song about how God laid the sins of all of us onto One Man, the Messiah.

All of Us Like Sheep

The words of Isaiah 53:6, speaking of how God laid our sins on the Christ, His Son.

The melody and the repetition built into this Bible verse song help to memorize this important verse.

Bible song piano music

Amos 5:15 Hate Evil

A verse which adjures God's people to eschew evil and love the good - in order to obtain God's mercy!

Piano music for Bible song

As I Called, and They Would Not Hear Bible teaching songs

A sad song in a minor key that tells how God scattered the Jews among the other nations. 

Piano arrangement and lead sheet.

This melody also works as a VOCAL ROUND.

Bronze Serpent song

As Moses Lifted Up the Serpent in the Wilderness, the Bronze Serpent

What was the meaning of the bronze serpent?  Jesus Himself tells us.

Be Ye Kind piano music

Be Ye Kind One to Another

A very short and sweet song with the words of Ephesians 4:32.

A suitable song for your Sunday School classes!

The Beatitudes Song

The Beatitudes Song

Every word of the KJV of the Beatitudes verses is in this melody.

Challenging, but beautiful and satisfying.

Bible song sheet music for piano

Burdened Beyond Our Strength, Bible verses about trusting God

Even Paul became discouraged to the point of looking death in the face.

"We believed that we would die... but that made us rely on God."

A song about hope.

Bible verse music

Don't Be Afraid of the Enemy

The words of Nehemiah, who was sent back to the land of Israel to oversee the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem.

"Fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes!"

The Jews faced heavy opposition as they strove to resettle the land, even back then.

Music for Ephesians 5, Take No Part in the Deeds of Darkness

Ephesians 5 - Take No Part in the Deeds of Darkness

...but instead, expose them! 

These powerful words by Paul remind us we are in a spiritual battle.

The story of Queen Esther in the Bible, told in song.  Piano and voice.

Esther, For Such a Time as This

This is the story of Queen Esther, told in fifty-one pages!

Drama and poetry help to learn the story.

The sheet music for piano and voice for the song "For By Grace You Have Been Saved"

For By Grace You Have Been Saved

The amazing words of Ephesians 2:8-9, easier to memorize with this energetic song.

John 3 sixteen set to music for piano and voice

For God So Loved the World

This most comforting of Bible verses with its promise for all now has a beautiful melody for its setting.

Beloved by children and musicians, this is an old Irish tune.

Bible verse song Great is Your Faithfulness

Great is Your Faithfulness - I Will Have Hope

This is not the old hymn you may know as "Great is Thy Faithfulness" - this Bible verse song uses the words of Lamentations 3:21.

It is dedicated to my daughter with breast cancer, who continues to trust the Lord and thrive as a wife and mother, and daughter of the King, Lord Jesus.

Habakkuk 3 - a song about faith, set for piano and voice

Habakkuk 3:17-19, Though the Trees Do Not Blossom

The words of these verses are a statement of faith, faith in God during the hardest of times.

These are words for OUR times.

Have I Not Commanded You

A song built from the Lord's encouraging words to Joshua:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous!"

We all could do with this reminder frequently!

He Has Delivered Us

...from the domain of darkness.

This song is from one of my favorite Bible verses, Colossians 1:13.

We were once trapped in the realm of death, but Christ delivered us.

Isaiah 55 song "Ho Everyone That Thirsteth"

Ho, Everyone That Thirsteth,  Isaiah 55

An invitation to everyone in the whole world to come to God the Father - and if you compare John 4 in the New Testament, you see that this "water" that satisfies is Jesus, God's Son.

Sheet music John 14:6

I Am the Way, the Truth, & the Life

The words of John 14:6, where Jesus assures his disciples that there is no other way to come to God but through HIM.

Song with Bible verses lyrics

I Go to Prepare a Place for You, a song with Bible verses lyrics

A song of comfort for those who know the Lord.

Psalm 4:8 set to music.  "I will both lay me down in peace and sleep", for voice and piano

I Will Both Lay Me Down in Peace and Sleep, Psalm lyrics from Psalm 4:8

This Bible verse song will grow on you.

A very simple melody, with a simple message of trust in the Lord.

Bible verses about the Rapture

I Will Keep You from the Hour of Trial - Bible verses on the Rapture

That hour which WILL come upon the whole earth! 

This is a promise to the Church.  As hard as things may seem now, they're going to get much worse before the Lord returns.

The Bible in song Psalm 91

I Will Rescue the One Who Loves Me, the Bible in song

These comforting verses are heartening and uplifting.

For piano and also guitar tabs, in two keys.

A song for voice and piano about God's plan for the future of Jerusalem

I Will Save My People, a Zion Song

From the book of Zechariah come these verses about the Lord gathering His people from the east and from the west.

At that time, when the Lord returns to Zion, children will play in the streets, and old men and women will sit with their staffs in the streets of Jerusalem, for it will be safe for all ages!

Psalm 27 song

I Would Have Lost Heart, Psalm 27 song

An encouraging psalm about waiting for the Lord and not losing heart.

With piano arrangements & guitar tabs, in 3 keys.

Proverbs song "If you find me you find life."

If You Find Me, You Find Life, Proverbs 8-33-36 song

This song is about the marvelous promise given concerning seeking wisdom.

There is also an ominous prophecy for those who hate wisdom.

Bible verse song "If You Make the Lord Your Refuge" - Psalm 91:1

If You Make the Lord Your Refuge - Psalm 91 song

No evil will conquer you, no plague come near your home.  Learn these comforting promises with this easy Bible verse song.

In the Beginning lyrics & sheet music

In the Beginning Bible verse

This song is about Jesus Christ - His eternal nature, from before the world began.

Piano sheet music and guitar tabs.

Matthew 6:25 set to song

Is Not Life More Than Food?

From Matthew 6, the words of Jesus which remind us that God will take care of us!

Isaiah 53 song

Isaiah 53

The prophecy of the Christ (Messiah).  This is the part of the picture that is the "Suffering Servant," whose work on the Cross was necessary before His reign as King could come.

Piano sheet music from the Bible

The Kinsman Redeemer

The entire gospel story - the fall of the human race, the expulsion from Paradise, God's promise of a Redeemer.

Then, the coming of the Redeemer, both God and man - and the great Work He accomplished.

Piano music for Bible memory verse song

"Lord is My Light" Bible memory verse song

This first verse of Psalm 27 sets the tone for the rest of this chapter full of hope and comfort in time of danger.

A song about God's promises

The Lord is Not Slow to Fulfill His Promise

The coming of the Lord will be at the right time... for He is calling all who will repent - all who will change their mind about Him.

Our Father Which Art In Heaven music

The Lord's Prayer in song - "Our Father Which Art in Heaven"

The beautiful words of this passage from the book of Matthew, with an easy melody fitted to the lyrics.

My Sheep Hear My Voice piano

My Sheep Hear My Voice

The strong assurances of our Lord Jesus that His followers will never perish, and no one will take them out of His hand.

Passover song

Not One of His Bones Will Be Broken, Passover Music

This song mentions prophecies about the Messiah, who would become the Passover Lamb and then be resurrected, the reason we celebrate Easter.

Daniel 9 song

O Lord, Hear - Daniel's Prayer

Daniel cries to the Lord to remember His people, who have been in exile nearly 70 years.  "O Lord, hear!  O Lord, forgive!  O Lord, hearken and do!" 

A timeless prayer that we, too, may utter to the Lord, or sing.

Piano music Out of the Depths

Out of the Depths Psalm 130 song

An ancient prayer, a cry to God.  

For piano and guitar.

Proverbs 8:33-36 song about wisdom and life

Proverbs 8:33-36 song

If You Find Me, You Find Life, words to live your life by!

Rejoice in Hope Bible verse song

This is an important verse to cling to, an important verse for Christians to remember

Rejoice Not Over Me

This Bible verse song has very much the feeling of an American cowboy or western song, because of the "boogie" sound of the left hand.

Your Sunday School kids are likely to find this song easy to sing!

Secret of the Names - the Genealogy of Jesus Christ

There is a message of salvation, a prophecy, hidden in the meaning of the names of Jesus's first ten grandfathers.

From Adam to Noah, read what they signify!

This song is part of "The Scarlet Thread", part of the weaving of the tapestry of God's plan.

Seek the Lord and His Strength

A song for those in fear or sorrow... needing comfort, assurance, or peace.

Sometimes, if there has been a death, there are no words but the words of this Bible verse song: "Seek the Lord..."

Take No Part in the Deeds of Darkness, Ephesians 5

A passage of scripture that urges believers to be strong for truth.

How to Not Sin song from the Bible

That You May Not Sin - a song about how to NOT sin

In the book of 1 John, the apostle stresses the importance of "abiding" in Christ, and how this behavior - staying close to the Savior - will prevent sin in our lives.

What if we DO sin?  He tells us what must happen then.

Song about equality of all people groups

There is Neither Jew Nor Gentile

From Galatians 3:28, a song which reminds us that in God's eyes we are all equal, whether Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female.

There is One God

And energetic song to learn this short verse by.

Time of Trouble Bible song about the Last Days

There Shall Be a Time of Trouble Bible song

"A time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time!"

This foreboding song comes from Daniel's prophecy in the 12th chapter of Daniel.  It is looking ahead to a time of great distress, but also of great intervention on God's part - and a return to God on the part of many in Israel.

Second Coming of Jesus song

There Shall Be Signs in the Sun - signs of the Second Coming!

This 3-page song talks about what is coming in the last days before Jesus returns.

Thou, Bethlehem Ephrathah, a Christmas memory verse

Micah 5:2 - This is the prophecy that the priests and scribes quoted to wicked King Herod when he demanded to know where the Christ was to be born.

This is a stirring song, highlighting the exciting description of the Messiah as one who is "from old, from everlasting!"

Psalm 91 piano song

Thou Shalt Not Be Afraid, Psalm 91 in song

Beautiful words that console believers in Christ, when fear and danger is all around.

Sheet music for the words of Habakkuk 3

Though the Trees Do Not Blossom, Habakkuk 3

The words of these verses are a statement of faith, faith in God during the hardest of times.

These are words for OUR times.

Proverbs 3:5 music

Trust in the Lord

The beautiful words of Proverbs 3 verse 5:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding."

Sheet music Ephesians 6:12

We Are Not Fighting Against Flesh and Blood

This is a powerful and beautiful melody for a powerful Bible verse.  We Christians need to be reminded of the seriousness of our earthly situation, everyday!  Memorize this scripture to strengthen your heart.

Lead sheet and a piano arrangement.

Bible verse song

We Do Not Lose Heart: Bible Verses for Hard Times

Compared with eternity, this is a very brief time in which we may experience sadness and hardship.

The time that is coming, though,  is a glorious time!  Meanwhile, we are being changed into the likeness of Christ.

Bible song about the good news

What is Most Important? Christ Died for Our Sins

An encapsulation of the gospel, from I Corinthians 15:3-4.

Christ died

He was buried

He rose again on the 3rd day!

These are the words of Paul.

James 4 song from the Bible

What Is Your Life?

A song from James 4:14 - our life is a vapor that appears for a short time.

Piano sheet music "Whatsoever Things are True," from the Bible

Whatsoever Things are True

An encouragement by Paul in Philippians to think of what is GOOD.

God protects from evil song

When Evil People Come - Protection from Evil

This song from Psalm 27 encourages us not to be afraid, for the Lord will make those evil ones stumble & fall.

Bible verse song from Isaiah

Woe Unto Them That Call Evil Good

A Bible song about the sad state of human nature, and God's coming retribution.

Two piano versions, and guitar tabs.

Sheet music for piano, about Deuteronomy 6:6 - "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart"

You Shall Love the Lord Your God With All Your Heart

This Bible verse song has a very simple melody, and the message is simple too!

It is the famous verse about teaching God's words to our children, when we walk along the way, when we lie down, when we rise up!

You Will Not Abandon My Soul 

This comforting psalm speaks about the Christ not being left in the grave.

It also speaks of us, God's human children, not being abandoned.

God gives us to know that the grave is not the end.

Thank you for visiting!

Night sky with stars

Interested in beginner & easy piano music for your piano, voice, & guitar students? Check out my other website,!

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  2. Amos 5:15 Hate Evil and Love the Good Song from the Bible

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Esther, For Such a Time As This, the Easy Piano Edition

This digital download version in the key of Em, with chord symbols, is greatly simplified.

Your piano students will be able to handle this one!

Also available at Amazon as a paperback.

The Adventures of Tonsta is a book about a young lad traveling over mountains and fjords from village to village, encountering trolls and helping folk in distress. A good read-aloud.

The Adventures of Tonsta

A perfect read aloud storybook for little boys or girls. 

The Adventures of Tonsta highlight the travels of a very young Christian lad with a good heart, who goes about helping folk in trouble.  

With a red cap on his head and a sack of tools slung over his shoulder, Tonsta seems to meet people in distress wherever he goes.

Lots of trolls in this book.

Available at Amazon!

The story in song of Queen Esther in the Bible

Esther: For Such a Time as This

Download this beautiful songbook telling the riveting story of the attempted genocide of the Jews in ancient Persia, and the brave young queen who risked her life to change the king's mind and save her people.

Also available as a paperback at Amazon!

Hi, I'm Dana!  (Say that like "Anna".)  I'm the owner of, and this  newer site,

Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.

I also happen to love the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Christian worldview that portrays The Great War in the heavens, in which we here on earth are destined to be a part.  

You can find out more about  the reason for this website at the Home  page.