"I Am the Way, the Truth, & the Life" are the words spoken by Jesus about himself, and the only path to salvation. Sing these words and you will memorize the verse.
* Listen to an audio recording of "I Am the Way" *
Please scroll down the page for the sheet music PDF links.
During the last meal shared with his disciples before the Cross, Jesus spoke words of comfort to them - but they did not understand what he was saying.
Thomas said to Jesus, "We have no idea where you are going! How can we know the way?"
Jesus replied, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."
Please scroll down the page for the sheet music PDF links.
Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied."
Jesus replied, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father!"
* Again, hear the audio of the John 14:6 verse in song *
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life:
No one can come to the Father,
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life:
No one can come to the Father,
Except through Me, except through Me!
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Used with permission of © SingTheBibleStory.com
All Rights Reserved
The links for the piano music:
Download "I Am the Way, the Truth, & the Life" in the key of Cm
Download John 14:6 song in the key of Dm
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Esther, For Such a Time As This, the Easy Piano Edition
This digital download version in the key of Em, with chord symbols, is greatly simplified.
Your piano students will be able to handle this one!
Also available at Amazon as a paperback.
A perfect read aloud storybook for little boys or girls.
The Adventures of Tonsta highlight the travels of a very young Christian lad with a good heart, who goes about helping folk in trouble.
With a red cap on his head and a sack of tools slung over his shoulder, Tonsta seems to meet people in distress wherever he goes.
Lots of trolls in this book.
Esther: For Such a Time as This
Download this beautiful songbook telling the riveting story of the attempted genocide of the Jews in ancient Persia, and the brave young queen who risked her life to change the king's mind and save her people.
Also available as a paperback at Amazon!
Hi, I'm Dana! (Say that like "Anna".) I'm the owner of Music-for-Music-Teachers.com, and this newer site, SingTheBibleStory.com.
Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.
I also happen to love the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Christian worldview that portrays The Great War in the heavens, in which we here on earth are destined to be a part.
You can find out more about the reason for this website at the Home page.